XSL Formatting Objects Developer's Handbook is a syntactical reference and a guide for developing practical solutions using the complete XSL toolkit. In exploring the available tools and architectures, the book allows programmers to understand and apply XSL as practitioners. XSL-FO is a complex specification that provides a framework for describing detailed document formatting characteristics. A primary goal of XML is to separate the data from presentation. Unlike HTML documents, XML documents contain no information about how those documnets will appear when displayed. The XSL-FO specification provides a standardized way to build stylesheets that express document formatting in pure XML notation.
Whether you're creating a simple Web home page for yourself or your family, or whether you're developing large-scale Web sites for your company or organization, the Sams Teach Yourself Web...
This is the definitive and complete user manual to the TeX computerized typesetting system. TeX software offers both writers and publishers the opportunity to produce technical text, with the speed...
In the past few years, the whole concept of publishing has undergone an enormous transformation. Publishers are no longer limited to paper and ink. Electronic publications can now incorporate text,...
Everything you'll need to publish on disk, CD-ROM and the World Wide Web. Scott Johnson, one of the creators of the award-winning HyperWriter Software, reviews the basics of hypertext and...
It's not enough to surf the Web anymore; everyone is creating their own Web pages! With this complete step-by-step tutorial, Internet expert Andy Shafran guides you through Web page basics,...
Tech journalist Pamela Pfiffner explores the rich history behind the modern publishing revolution, as seen through the lens of one of its most important players. In the past 20 years,...
لعل تصميم المواقع الإلكترونية سيما مواقع الصحف الإلكترونية تأثرت تأثرا كبيرا بالتطور التكنولوجي؛ فقد بدأ تطوير عملية تقديم الأخبار بشكل مستمر من خلال تدعيمها بمختلف أنواع الوسائط المتعددة، وكذلك التحكم...
Clear instructions on every aspect of VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), including polygons, lines, points, cones, cylinders, spheres, text, manipulating 3D graphics, translation, transformation, light sources, materials, texture mapping, and...
You know how to author Web pages. You use HTML. Now you want to build great Web sites that tap the advanced features found in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4. Good...