Presents a guide to the newest version of Microsoft System Center, providing instructions and tips on asset management, security reporting, and data protection within managed environments for data centers and cloud environments.
The book provides coverage of planning, installation, and migration; configuration; and much more --
Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. Screenshots and icons reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Corporation. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by ...
This book provides start-to-finish coverage and expert guidance on everything you need to get your system up to date.
This is the comprehensive reference and technical guide to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012.
Using System Center 2012 Orchestrator, you can capture and document processes across your entire IT organization, establishing the automation you need to deliver advanced cloud services and self-adjusting computing resources.
This guide introduces new features and capabilities, with scenario-based advice on how the platform can meet the needs of your business. Get the high-level overview you need to begin preparing your deployment now.
Annotation This is "the "comprehensive reference and technical guide to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012.
Putting too few settings, like one, in a configuration item provides great isolation but forces you to create and maintain a larger number of configuration items resulting in more complexity and thus overhead.
Detailed information on how to… • Install and configure SQL SSRS for optimal System Center reporting and easier troubleshooting • Understand the data stored in the ConfigMgr site database • Efficiently retrieve ConfigMgr data by ...
This comprehensive guide provides invaluable coverage to help organizations monitor their environments across computers, network, and storage infrastructures while maintaining efficient and effective service levels across their applications ...