SQL Server 2016 High Availability Unleashed (includes Content Update Program)

SQL Server 2016 High Availability Unleashed (includes Content Update Program)
Client/server computing
Sams Publishing
Paul Bertucci, Raju Shreewastava


Book + Content Update Program SQL Server 2016 High Availability Unleashed provides start-to-finish coverage of SQL Server's powerful high availability (HA) solutions for your traditional on-premise databases, cloud-based databases (Azure or AWS), hybrid databases (on-premise coupled with the cloud), and your emerging Big Data solutions. This complete guide introduces an easy-to-follow, formal HA methodology that has been refined over the past several years and helps you identity the right HA solution for your needs. There is also additional coverage of both disaster recovery and business continuity architectures and considerations. You are provided with step-by-step guides, examples, and sample code to help you set up, manage, and administer these highly available solutions. All examples are based on existing production deployments at major Fortune 500 companies around the globe. This book is for all intermediate-to-advanced SQL Server and Big Data professionals, but is also organized so that the first few chapters are great foundation reading for CIOs, CTOs, and even some tech-savvy CFOs. Learn a formal, high availability methodology for understanding and selecting the right HA solution for your needs Deep dive into Microsoft Cluster Services Use selective data replication topologies Explore thorough details on AlwaysOn and availability groups Learn about HA options with log shipping and database mirroring/ snapshots Get details on Microsoft Azure for Big Data and Azure SQL Explore business continuity and disaster recovery Learn about on-premise, cloud, and hybrid deployments Provide all types of database needs, including online transaction processing, data warehouse and business intelligence, and Big Data Explore the future of HA and disaster recovery In addition, this book is part of InformIT's exciting Content Update Program, which provides content updates for major technology improvements! As significant updates are made to SQL Server, sections of this book will be updated or new sections will be added to match the updates to the technologies. As updates become available, they will be delivered to you via a free Web Edition of this book, which can be accessed with any Internet connection. To learn more, visit informit.com/cup. How to access the Web Edition: Follow the instructions inside to learn how to register your book to access the FREE Web Edition.

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