Study Guide to Accompany Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, Tenth Edition
Instructor's Resource Book: Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, Fifth Edition by James C. Coleman
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life/Textbook and Study Guide
« The updated tenth edition of Abnormal Psychology and Modern life focuses on an overview of contemporary and classic research within a more accessible framework. Features include upstaged research, integrated...
P. 33.
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life
As indicated by its title A History of Great Ideas in Abnormal Psychology, this book is not just concerned with the chronology of events or with biographical details of great psychiatrists and psychopathologists.
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life
The book also gives students a comprehensive understanding of the features and epidemiologies, risk factors and prevention, assessment and treatment, and long term prognosis and associated stigma of mental disorders.