This new edition of Patterson's widely used book carries the story of battles over poverty and social welfare through what the author calls the "amazing 1990s," those years of extraordinary performance of the economy. He explores a range of issues arising from the economic phenomenon--increasing inequality and demands for use of an improved poverty definition. He focuses the story on the impact of the highly controversial welfare reform of 1996, passed by a Republican Congress and signed by a Democratic President Clinton, despite the laments of anguished liberals.
Twenty Years at Hull House. Chicago: The Macmillan Co., 1910. Atkins, Jacqueline M., ed. Encyclopedia of Social Work, 18th ed., 2 vols. Silver Spring, MD: NASW, 1987. Axinn, June, and Mark J. Stern. Social Welfare: A History of the ...
Sage Publications, 1996); Kenneth Kusmer and Joe W. Trotter, eds., African American Urban History since World War II (Chicago: University of ... David R. Goldfield, ed., Encyclopedia of American Urban History (Thousand Oaks, Calif.
But this tale of science triumphant conceals a half century of political struggle from the Afghan highlands to the rice paddies of the Mekong Delta, a campaign to transform rural societies by changing the way people eat and grow food.
Presents the original report on poverty in America that led President Kennedy to initiate the federal poverty program
This work looks at inter-related post WWII case studies to analyze the ways in which different groups, mostly governmental agencies and emerging activist organizations, invoked the idea of "community" in anti-poverty initiatives during the ...
Timothy M. Smeeding, Jeffrey P. Thompson, AsafLevanon, Esra Burak, “Poverty and Income Inequality in the Early Stages of the Great Recession,” in The Great Recession (eds., David B. Grusky, ...
The second edition of this highly acclaimed book brings the story of urban America upto date through the early 1990s, with an analysis of recent attempts to revive aging central cities and a look at a new form of development known as ...
James A. Henretta , “ Economic Development and Social Structure in Colonial Boston , ” William and Mary Quarterly , 22 ( Jan. 1965 ) , 75-92 ; Douglas Lamar Jones , “ The Strolling Poor : Transiency in 18th Century Massachusetts ...
The history of one of the great missed opportunities in American history, Freedom Is Not Enough will be essential reading for anyone seeking to understand our nation's ongoing failure to address the tragedy of the black underclass.