Entries on almost five hundred women representing a wide range of fields of endeavor are featured in a collection of biographical essays that integrate each woman's personal life with her professional achievements, set in the context of historical develop
Contains biographical sketches of women whose achievements have contributed to the nation's history
Hill Testifies against Clarence Thomas In August 1991 an aide to Ohio Democrat Senator Howard Metzenbaum , a member of the Judiciary Committee , received a tip that Clarence Thomas sexually harassed Anita Hill during her employment with ...
The source for substantial, informative, and up-to-date biographical essays on 72 of the most notable twentieth-century Latin American women.
The story of Portland, Oregon, like much of history, has usually been told with a focus on male leaders. This book offers a reframing of Portland's history.
This reference book has entries for some 300 women in American theater, ranging from actors, directors, choreographers, playwrights, and designers, to critics, agents, and managers, and should provide focus for...
Provides biographical essays on women mathematicians from around the world from antiquity to the present
Contains biographical sketches of women whose achievements have contributed to the nation's history.
Presents biographial essays on ninety-seven women scientists who have contributed to the life sciences from antiquity to the present
Presents the sensational lives and exploits of nine notorious women from the days of boisterous frontier saloons and high-noon showdowns.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1961; Paul Hibbert Clyde, The Far East, A History of the Impact of the West on Eastern Asia. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 3rd ed., 1958; Harold M. Vinacke, A History of the Far East in ...