In an incisive compilation of essays, the author of Feminism Unmodified explores some of the momentous and ongoing changes that reframe the law of men in terms of their foundation in the lives of women, covering such topics as sexual harassment, rape, domestic violence, sexual discrimination, and pornography.
For about half a century now, South Asia has enjoyed independence and constitutional rule, but many countries have inherited a plural legal system as a legacy of colonialism. In all...
An analysis of the legal status of women includes discussions of discrimination, rape, sexual harassment, and pornography
This book presents MacKinnon's powerful analysis of politics, sexuality, and the law from the perspective of women.
The results of her effort are mixed. The book is at times fresh and challenging, at times needlessly provocative. -- (Sep. 30, 2016).
The cutting edge is where law and culture hurts, which is where MacKinnon operates in these essays on the transnational status and treatment of women.
Only Words is a powerful indictment of a legal system at odds with itself, its First Amendment promoting the very inequalities its Fourteenth Amendment is supposed to end.
On the history of married women's property laws , see generally N. Basch , In the Eyes of the Law : Marriage and Property in Nineteenth - Century ... N. Erickson , Historical Background of " Protective " Labor Legislation : Muller v .
Catharine A. MacKinnon’s collected work on gender inequality—including new pieces—argues that the right seemingly minor interventions in the legal realm can have a butterfly effect that generates major social and cultural ...
... Ann Blackman, Mary Anne Krupsak, David Gurin, Jackie Bernard, Vivien Leone, Kay Schurr, James Aronson, Minda Bikman, Alix Kates Shulman, Lucy Komisar, Shelley Clayman, Kirsten Grimstad, Susan Rennie, Roslyn Fliegel, Elizabeth Evans, ...
v72n1/v72n1p11.html; J. Thomas Oldham, Changes in the Economic Consequences of Divorces, 1958–2008, 42 Fam. L. Q. 419 (2008). 62 While some differences exist between “community property” states and “separate property” states, ...