A history of the Jamestown colony, draws on archaeological, environmental, and historical research to describe the lives of the early settlers and their complex relationship with local Native American tribes.
Roper explores how the early development of the colony was viewed from both sides of the Atlantic, using the documentary record of key figures in the Virginia Company, as well as the colonizers themselves.
The essential history of the extraordinary year in which American democracy and American slavery emerged hand in hand in colonial Virginia. Along the banks of the James River, Virginia, during...
The Atlantic in World History tells the story of the emergence of an integrated Atlantic world after 1492 and the way lives in all four continents were transformed.
In Jamestown, the Buried Truth, William Kelso takes us literally to the soil where the Jamestown colony began, unearthing the James Fort and its contents to reveal fascinating evidence of the lives and deaths of the first settlers, of their ...
An introduction to the first English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia, with step-by-step instructions for a variety of related projects including a topographical map of the settlement, a model Jamestown house, and wooden spoon puppets.
The Jamestown Experiment is the untold story of the unlikely and dramatic events that defined the "self-made man" and gave birth to the American dream.
As the essays here demonstrate, Anglo-Americans have been simultaneously experimenting with representative government and struggling with the corrosive legacy of racial thinking for more than four centuries.
allegations against Russell, accusing him of having “built a great and very large and unnecessary brewhouse both to the ... to individuals like Sir Thomas Phillips, who recommended in 1623 that no alehouses be allowed “in remote places.
... This book includes: Virginia company, Captain John Smith, Godspeed, Discovery and the Susan Constant, John Rolfe, James Fort, Christopher Newport, Lord De La Warr, Starving time, Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan, Historic Jametown today.
The Powhatans and the Monacans maintained a fragile peace, and Powhatan did not want the English messing that up. Despite Powhatan's opposition, plans for a new settlement near the falls of the James did go ahead, and the town of ...