Discusses the history of the Fourteenth Amendment, considers the intent of its framers and assesses its impact on U.S. history
See Thomas G. West, The Political Theory of the American Founding 230 (2017) (arguing that this contrast “characterized all [the Founders'] sex and marriage policies”). 105. Lawrence M. Friedman, Crime and Punishment in American History ...
88 According to Leonard Levy, Miller's opinion is “one of the most tragically wrong opinions ever given by the Court. ... Reconstructing the Privileges or Immunities Clause, 101 Yale L. J. 1385, 1415 (1992); Michael Kent Curtis, ...
The Adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment
94; Michael J. Sandel, "The Hard Questions: Last Rights," New Republic, Apr. 14, 1997, at 27; Michael Walzer, ... 103, at 1482, 1484: In his evidence before the Walton Committee, the British Parliamentary Committee on Euthanasia in 1993 ...
At the book's center are a cast of characters every bit as fascinating as the Founding Fathers.
It is Berger's theory that the United States Supreme Court has embarked on "a continuing revision of the Constitution, under the guise of interpretation," thereby subverting America's democratic institutions and...
During the late 19th century, the Supreme Court was faced with the task of interpreting a Constitution that had been altered by the addition of the 13th, 14th and 15th...
... "Preferential Policies in Hiring," Philosophy and Public Affairs 3 (Spring I974):3 I2-30; Judith Jarvis Thomson, "Preferential Hiring," Philosophy and Public Affairs 2 (Summer I973l:364-84. as an equal, which is the right, ...
1992 ) ( refusing to consider " remarks by various legislators during passage of the Freedmen's Bureau Act of 1866 , the Civil Rights Act of 1866 , and the Civil Rights Act of 1871 " ) . 8. S. Levinson , The Embarrassing Second ...
The Fourteenth Amendment and the States: A Study of the Operation of the Restraint Clauses of Section One of the...