An attempt to cover all aspects of children's make-believe. The authors examine how imaginative play begins and develops and provide examples and evidence on the young child's invocation of imaginary friends, the adolescent's daring games and the adult's private imagery and inner thought.
An undersea statue of Prince Eric inspires Ariel to lead her friends in a pretend wedding.
A sexy game of romantic make-believe goes too far in this intense thriller from the world's #1 writer.
A book and box of accoutrements--including fangs, an eye patch, and a gold medallion--instruct youngsters in making costumes from household materials for menacing the high seas, making short work of the Red Baron, and similar exploits.
Gloucestershire, 1925 A week-long house party in the country—why not?
In The Case for Make Believe, Harvard child psychologist Susan Linn tells the alarming story of childhood under siege in a commercialized and technology-saturated world.
Lucretia P. Hale's madcap "Peterkin Papers" stories made their first appearance in the magazine's pages, as did Thomas Bailey Aldrich's The Story of a Bad Boy and the short story that Charles Dickens later retitled "The Magic Fishbone.
Presents over 125 activities and projects for creative fun with young children, including storybook play, cooking, costumes and masks, puppets, fingerpaints, games, and mini-plays.
Parents today are too caught up in the rat race of 'perfect' parenting. In trying to ensure that their children are all-rounders and have an edge over their peers, parents...
Make-believe: The Story of Nancy and Ronald Reagan
Turn the pages of the bigger book to see how the dragons and their friends use their imaginations, then leaf through the magical miniature book to see how their games would look in real life.