This landmark anthology collects speeches, letters, newspapers, journals, poems, and songs to demonstrate that John Brown’s actions at Harpers Ferry altered the course of history. Without Brown, the Civil War probably would have been delayed by four years and emancipation movements in Brazil, Cuba, even Russia might have been disrupted.
The Copyright Royalty Tribunal Reform Act of 1993: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks of the Committee...
PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND A. The Tribunal's 1993 Decision 5. In its 16 February 1993 request for an order requiring the United States to effect a stay of the Foremost/OPIC lawsuit, Iran argued, inter alia, that the stay of the lawsuit was ...
Dudley a solicitor was disqualified from driving for four years after a second conviction for drink driving. The Tribunal dismissed an allegation that the second conviction meant that the solicitor had breached Principle 6.
states that the annexes form an integral part of the Convention, the Tribunal found that the 'Statute enjoys the same status as the Convention. Accordingly, article 21 of the Statute should not be considered as subordinate to article ...
The Tribunal's jurisdiction stems from its U.N. Security Council mandate to prosecute individuals responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed on the territory of the former Yugoslavia since January 1, ...
that there exists no threat to the Tribunal's jurisdiction if the Foremost / OPIC lawsuit is not stayed . 26. Iran also points to the statement in the 13 May 1996 Memorandum Opinion by the District Court Judge referring to a " judgment ...
40 IRAN-U.S. C.T.R. 999 United States contends that, “to allow the Parties to determine whether there are any other errors in [the Partial Award's pre-award interest] calculations,” additional information concerning the Tribunal's ...
Highlighting the role played by the Tribunal over the last 20 years in the system for the peaceful settlement of law of the sea related disputes, this volume will be...
Expérience professionnelle : Ministère des affaires étrangères (1961–2002) : directeur, Division des conventions ... ambassade du Japon, Etats-Unis d'Amérique (1999–2001) ; professeur de droit international, Université Chuo, ...
Expérience professionnelle : Ministère des affaires étrangères (1961–2002) : directeur, Division des conventions ... ambassade du Japon, Etats-Unis d'Amérique (1999–2001) ; professeur de droit international, Université Chuo, ...