In the spring of 1832, when the Indian warrior Black Hawk and a thousand followers marched into Illinois to reoccupy lands earlier ceded to American settlers, the U.S. Army turned to rival tribes for military support. In order to grasp Indian motives, John Hall explores their alliances in earlier wars with colonial powers as well as in intertribal antagonisms and conflicts. Providing a rare view of Indian attitudes and strategies in war and peace, Hall deepens our understanding of Native Americans and the complex roles they played in the nation's history.
The Uncommon Defense and Congress, 1945-1963
Common defense against uncommon threats the federal role in critical infrastructure protection: report of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure...
The book also highlights Brown's policymaking efforts and his influence on Carter as the administration responded to international events such as the Middle East peace process, the Iran revolution and hostage crisis, the rise of radical ...
History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense: The formative years, 1947-1950
Chronicles in compelling detail the historic showdown between the U.S. Air Force and the Navy over the role of carrier aviation in the national security framework of the United States.
By focusing on the long-term trends of the shares, however, one overlooks the abrupt changes that occurred early in the ... In describing the longterm changes in the G-NM share, in contrast, it matters little whether one includes or ...
Quoted in Jack Raymond “Air Force Chief Backs President on Defense Issue,” New York Times, March 16, 1959, p. 1. On the hearings, see Edward Kolodziej, The Uncommon Defense and Congress, 1945–1963 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, ...
For lack of information , and because many of these projects were begun recently , it is impossible to assess the impact of these federal policies on the use of adoption by adolescent mothers . The federal government could increase its ...
This history follows the development of the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force from its predecessor organization -the Assistant Secretary of War for Air during World War II-to...
As we know , contempt is a manic defense against an underlying depression ( Segal 1973 ) . It is a not uncommon defense in therapists . The therapist's feelings of contempt for a patient who gets into recurrent bad relationships arises ...