The desire to know the body is a powerful dynamic of storytelling in all its forms. Peter Brooks argues that modern narrative is intent on uncovering the body in order to expose a truth that must be written in the flesh. In a book that ranges widely through literature and painting, Brooks shows how the imagination strives to bring the body into language and to write stories on the body.
From Rousseau, Balzac, Mary Shelley, and Flaubert, to George Eliot, Zola, Henry James, and Marguerite Duras, from Manet and Gauguin to Mapplethorpe, writers and artists have returned in fascination to the body, the inescapable other of the spirit. Brooks's deep understanding of psychoanalysis informs his demonstration of how the "epistemophilic urge"--the desire to know-guides fictional plots and our reading of them.
It is the sexual body that furnishes the building blocks of symbolization, eventually of language itself-which then takes us away from the body. Yet mind and language need to recover the body, as an other realm that is primary to their very definition. Brooks shows how and why the female body has become the field upon which the aspirations, anxieties, and contradictions of a whole society are played out. And he suggests how writers and artists have found in the woman's body the dynamic principle of their storytelling, its motor force.
This major book entertains and teaches: Brooks presumes no special knowledge on the part of his readers. His account proceeds chronologically from Rousseau in the eighteenth century forward to contemporary artists and writers. Body Work gives us a set of analytical tools and ideas-primarily from psychoanalysis, narrative and film studies, and feminist theory-that enable us to read modern narrative afresh.
Bonus in this Edition: A Short Story Featuring V.I. Warshawski
In this long-awaited description of the body-centered therapy developed by Marion Rosen, the reader begins to understand how emotional and physical ailments can be addressed through the gentle touch of the Rosen practitioner.
Filled with fascinating information about human anatomy, this exciting science book features: • More than 40 STEAM experiments and activities that help kids learn about their amazing bodies. • Full-color illustrations and photographs ...
A first-year medical student describes an anatomy class during which she studied the donated body of a cadaver dubbed "Eve," an experience that profoundly influenced her subsequent studies and understanding of the human form.
Vehicle maintenance.
Discusses the complicated emotional and intellectual motivations of women who strive to attain America's often unrealistic beauty ideals, focusing on a salon, aerobic class, plastic surgery clinic, and overweight political center as ...
The book explains the historical and philosophical background of Thai massage as well as its religious origins. Throughout the book, Ananda always reminds us of the deeper meaning of this sacred modality—compassion in action.
This book helps provide explanations to these reactions and offers ideas to body-workers on how to work with these situations to the best effect.
In this practical manual, Thompson and her protégé-daughter Tara Thompson Lewis provide a deep understanding of body mechanics and how to work with emotions through the body.
Many of us hold on to old fears, traumas and stresses and allow them to define and frame our lives. This book shows how to relieve these problems and help you look and feel better on a profound level.