For tens of thousands of Union veterans, Patrick Kelly argues, the Civil War never ended. Many Federal soldiers returned to civilian life battling the lifelong effects of combat wounds or wartime disease. Looking to the federal government for shelter and medical assistance, war-disabled Union veterans found help at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Established by Congress only weeks prior to the Confederate surrender, this network of federal institutions had assisted nearly 100,000 Union veterans by 1900. The National Home is the direct forebear of the Veterans Administration hospital system, today the largest provider of health care in the United States. Kelly places the origins of the National Home within the political culture of U.S. state formation. Creating a National Home examines Congress's decision to build a federal network of soldiers' homes. Kelly explores the efforts of the Home's managers to glean support for this institution by drawing upon the reassuring language of domesticity and "home." He also describes the manner in which the creators of the National Homes used building design, landscaping, and tourism to integrate each branch into the cultural and economic life of surrounding communities, and to promote a positive image of the U.S. state. Drawing upon several fields of American history--political, cultural, welfare, gender--Creating a National Home illustrates the lasting impact of war on U.S. state and society. The building of the National Home marks the permanent expansion of social benefits offered to citizen-veterans. The creation of the National Home at once defined an entitled group and prepared the way for the later expansion of both the welfare and the warfare states.
Published in association with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, a practical handbook explains how to design, renovate, and remodel an older home to add extra space that matches the style of the original building but takes into ...
Jarrett tells the fascinating story of how Dunbar, born during Reconstruction to formerly enslaved parents, excelled against all odds to become an accomplished and versatile artist.
Explains how to transform a new home by adding character and authentic detailing by incorporating elements of traditional style that offer a sense of place without sacrificing comfort or the convenience of a new house.
As the country sought healing and peace after the Civil War, Wisconsin citizens took up Pres.
Kelly , Creating a National Home , 77-88 , 128-30 ; Robert J. Neugent , " The National Soldiers ' Home , " Historical Messenger 31 ... Nearly 30 states also established homes for Union veterans , subsidized in part by federal funds .
By the use of blocks, the floor joists are tied together to create a more rigid component. Blocks are also found where floor ... Building paper-a specially made thick paper that is stapled to the outside of the frame of the house.
This intriguing story of the origins and development of the American espionage forces covers all of the different departments involved, with a particular emphasis on the courageous teams operating in the field.
11 It specifically referred to the Balfour Declaration of the British government from November 1917, which first called for creating “a national home for the Jewish people” in what had been Ottoman Palestine. How the term “national ...
This book gives an in-depth analysis of the backgrounds of the conflicts, including activities by IGO's and NGOs, and the developments in international law with regard to state building practice.
Original essays by various scholars on the questions of whether there are new forms of antisemitism, whether there has been a resurgence of antisemitism in the current age, and whether critical attitudes towards Zionism or opposition to the ...