To understand the 2008 financial crisis, Neil Fligstein looks to the business models of the big US banks. He shows how firms got hooked on mortgages--originating them, securitizing them, selling those securities, and even buying the same securities. In time their addiction nearly collapsed the economy.
Banking Policy in Japan: American Efforts at Reform During the Occupation
The Unexpected Story of Nathaniel Rothschild is the only full length biography of Nathaniel, the first Lord Rothschild (1840-1915).
Republic of Croatia: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Seelman , William Shafer , James R. Shambrook , Bob . SHAZAM Shertz , Robert Sieben , Todd Siensa , Marvin Siltman , Kent Simon , Paul Singer , James ( Bud ) Sirson , Paul . Skala , Paul R. Smith , Preston Smith ...
Becket's Directory of the City of London
Using real-world practitioner examples and practitioner-approach study tools, this book shows students how to apply financial institutions concepts to executive scenarios.
A new Australian text for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in financial markets and institutions. It includes up-to-date material on hot topics such as globalisation, behavioural finance and e- banking.
The second edition retains the modern approach of the first edition, while incorporating several changes to address feedback from instructors and students and also to reflect the authors' own classroom experiences. Available with MyEconLab!
The State and the Monetary System
Verity decides to teach her boss a lesson; she plans to break into the bank's computer system. It all seems simple, until the reappearance of intense and mysterious Dr Zoltan...