Reality and Rhetoric is the culmination of P. T. Bauer's observations and reflections on Third World economies over a period of thirty years. He critically examines the central issues of market versus centrally planned economies, industrial development, official direct and multinational resource transfers to the Third World, immigration policy in the Third World, and economic methodology. In addition, he has written a fascinating account of recent papal doctrine on income inequality and redistribution in the Third World. The major themes that emerge are the importance of non-economic variables, particularly people's aptitudes and mores, to economic growth; the unfortunate results of some current methods of economics; the subtle but important effects of the exchange economy on development; and the politicization of economic life in the Third World. As in Bauer's previous writings, this book is marked by elegant prose, apt examples, a broad economic-historical perspective, and the masterful use of informal reasoning.
In the first paragraphs of this volume, the author identifies an "authenticity paradox": that the purported real-worldedness of a learning environment, technique, or task is so rhetorically potent that educators frequently call attention to ...
James B. McMillan of the University of Alabama distinguished the concepts of language, linguistics, philology, and rhetoric. He defined rhetoric as "the art of speaking or writing effectively” (146) and divided it into practical and ...
Cliff and his wife, Zelda Barnett, kept me grounded during a time when it would have been easy to forget why I went to graduate school in the first place. To Mary Al-Sayed at Palgrave MacMillan: from the first exploratory conversation ...
Between the Rhetoric and Reality
A major revision of our understanding of long-range bombing, this book examines how Anglo-American ideas about "strategic" bombing were formed and implemented.
Explores truth claims in contemporary U.S. political rhetoric and the viability of an empirical standard for political truths.
of mutual obligation and trust—key ingredients in the formation of. 32See Bryk, Lee, and Holland, 1993. 33Guerra, Donahue, and Benson, 1990. 34Bryk, Lee, and Holland, 1993. 35See Bryk and Driscoll, 1988; Bryk, Lee, and Holland, 1993.
Take , for example , Paul Willis ' ( 1977 ) classic study of the transition from school to work of a group of adolescent boys . Willis built his story partly through selectively privileging certain accounts of a group of pupils he calls ...
This work will be valuable to scholars, students, and practitioners of forced migration, international relations theory, and the Responsibility to Protect doctrine.
Platform Economics tackles head on the rhetoric surrounding the so-called 'sharing economy' which has muddied public debate and has contributed to a lack of policy and regulatory intervention.