American slaves drew on memories of African musical traditions to construct instruments from carved-out gourds covered with animal skin. Providing a sense of rootedness, solidarity, and consolation, banjo picking became an essential part of black plantation life, and its unmistakable sound remains versatile and enduring today, Laurent Dubois shows.
Pennsylvania Gazette , 7 July 1749 , 2 Cullen Rath , “ African Music in Seventeenth- November 1749 , and 17 November 1757 . Century Jamaica : Cultural Transit and 14. South Carolina and American General Transition , ” William and Mary ...
See Reno and Smiley Smith, Carl, 39 Smith, Larry, 124 Smith, “SnuHy,” 175 Snyder, jan (Harvey), 34 Snyder, jill (Crabtree), 34 Sons of the Pioneers, 39 Southern Blend, 160-61, 166, 179 Sparks, Harry, 86 Sparks, Larry, 98, 127, 149, ...
Written for the absolute beginner, this FUN book is guaranteed to help you learn to play bluegrass banjo (How many books come with a personal guarantee by the author?). · Teaches the plain, naked melody to 23 easy bluegrass favorites ...
And the appeal was both monetary and social , as this 1927 Gibson catalogue blurb makes clear : Social Popularity Assured the Banjoist The Gibson Banjo is the modern " Open Sesame ” to a world of good times , fun and happiness .
(Banjo). A complete guide for beginning and advanced banjo players! From Ken Perlman, here is a brilliant teaching guide that is destined to become the handbook on how to play the banjo.
Includes audio of Earl Scruggs playing and explaining over 60 examples!
The downloadable audio with 99-track recording will enable the student to learn easily by hearing author Ross Nickerson demonstrate each song, and perform many of the banjo licks and phrases included in the book slow, and up to tempo.
The history of the banjo is as haunting as its music. Made popular in minstrel shows of the nineteenth century, the "banjar" derives from the stringed gourd instrument African slaves...
A comprehensive method on learning the banjo, including technique exercises and several full music examples.
They also discuss learning to play the instrument, including what it “feels like” playing the banjo, many describing occasional “flow states.” In the book, Allsbrook explores an in-home musical folkway that developed along the ...