This structured book offers a solid overview of the types of early childhood programs available today, and explores all aspects of their administration. Rooted in the philosophy that thoughtful planning...
For a course serving prospective and in-service early childhood program administrators This text provides specific guidance on planning for, implementing, marketing, and evaluating programs serving children from birth through school age.
Early Childhood Education: Planning and Administering Programs
Administering Early Childhood Education Programs
This comprehensive edition highlights the director's role in leading both people and programs, with an emphasis on business and interpersonal skills. You also learn how to select and implement a high-quality curriculum.
Administering Programs for Young Children
Developing and Administering Early Childhood Programs
This sixth edition of Administering for Quality: Leading and Collaborating in Canadian Early Childhood Education Programs is intended to facilitate early childhood educators' understanding of leadership, professional, and advocacy ...
Planning and Administering Early Childhood Development
Theory meets practical tips in this guide for leaders of early childhood programs