The antiquarian's reference to old books features 15,000 listings, and includes an Internet buying guide and advice on buying, selling, and maintaining fragile acquisitions
The book includes these essays: "Books in My Life," "The Pleasures of Being a Scholar-Collector" (the Grolier Club's Nikirk Lecture), "The Living Room: A Memoir," "An Ode to Artifacts," "A Rationale of Collecting," "Non-Firsts," "Publishers ...
Nearly 25,000 titles with current values fill this hardbound book. Much more than just a typical price guide, the book is a directory with scores of actual buyers listed by...
本书考察了16世纪至今图书获取与阅读的历史, 重点研究了读者与其藏书之间的关系.书中的塞缪尔·皮普斯, 托马斯·杰斐逊, 约翰·索恩爵士, 托马斯·比伊克, ...
本书作者遍访世界各大公共图书馆和大学图书馆--波士顿公共图书馆, 纽约公共图书馆, 哈佛大学图书馆, 牛津大学博德利图书馆等, 为我们生动记录了无数的图书馆人, ...
The antiquarian's reference to old books features 15,000 listings, and includes an Internet buying guide and advice on buying, selling, and maintaining fragile acquisitions.
Provenance Research in Book History: A Handbook
Lists the current value of collectible books, and provides addresses for bookbuyers, arranged by subject speciality.
William Morris and the Art of the Book: With Essays on William Morris, as Book Collector by Paul Needham, as...
Interspersed with these are the meditations of the great diarists and essayists of past centuries - Johnson, Boswell, Macaulay, Ruskin and Montaigne - writing in letters, journals and lectures on the vital importance of 'bright books' to ...
Pulp: A Short Biography of the Banished Book, Volume I of V