Arrested by the Burmese police for his protest songs against the dictatorship, Teza is sentenced to seven years in solitary confinement. Despite his isolation in jail, Teza ends up having a profound effect on all those who come into contact with him.
This is a date, not a motley gathering into which I can slip, one more motley among many. Self-consciously, I walk through the restaurant and sit down across from him. “I thought some other people would be here, too.
Explains how to recreate a captive reptile's or amphibian's natural habitat and offers designs suitable for snakes, lizards, frogs, geckos, and turtles.
Oscar the iguana gets out of his cage on Christmas Eve to find out about the holiday, and as he climbs the tree the various ornaments provide different explanations, until the angel at the top reveals the true meaning of Christmas.
To this day, I can still remember the look of sadness on his face. He was more upset than Kirstie Alley when McDonald's runs out of French fries. I'd never seen my father that upset. I worried he was going to have a heart attack over a ...
This colorful guide by herp expert Russ Case offers beginners who are looking to adopt a lizard the right guidance for purchasing a healthy specimen and for creating a safe, comfortable home where the pet lizard can thrive.
Happily married, great career, mother of two. What more could a woman possibly want? Enter The Change Room, by award-winning writer Karen Connelly, and find out.
'A sexy, sensational novel with intoxicating vengeance and an unexpected tenderness' No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author Karin Slaughter
Age of Cage is a smart, beguiling book about the films of Nicolas Cage and the actor himself, as well as a sharp-eyed examination of the changes that have taken place in Hollywood over the course of his career.
“[Chaim] Potok writes powerfully about the suffering of innocent people caught in the cross-fire of a war they cannot begin to understand.
anYWaY... in LUcHaViLLe, LiZarDs (anD some saLamanDers, i GUess) LiVe For WrestLinG. isn't tHat riGHt? HeY! not. eVerYone. oH...eXcept For LittLe Leon, oF coUrse. totaLLY. Yep! UH-HUH. eVen mention tHe WorD-- tHat LiZarD is Loco!