Jerusalem: An Archaeological Biography traces the turbulent history of the Holy City on the 3,000th anniversary of its establishment by King David as the capital of Israel.
The reader will follow archaeologists as they discover where Jesus was buried, what Solomon's Temple looked like, and how David captured the city.
Here, too, is the painful evidence of the city's repeated destruction - by the Babylonians, led by the rapacious Nebuchadnezzar, and then by the Romans, under Titus.
This comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-the-minute account debunks many long-standing theories: Solomon's Stables were not built by Solomon, nor were they a stable, and the Garden of Gethsemane, where Judas betrayed Jesus and where Jesus was arrested, was not a garden but a cave.
Jerusalem: An Archaeological Biography is like a visit to Jerusalem, and more instructive: 200 full-color pictures lead the reader through a clear and fascinating text filled with little-known details. This authoritative book is the perfect introduction to the Holy City.