The practical advice you need to secure the position you want From sending a cover letter to accepting an offer, Job Interviews That Mean Business helps you meet and conquer today's job-hunting challenges. Whether you're seeking an entry-level position or changing fields mid-career, this newly revised book (Third Edition) has the most up-to-date information on every step of the process. Learn how to: Use the Internet and other sources to find job postings and research companies Prepare and present yourself for the interview Control the entire interview cycle so it is a presentation of your assets Follow up effectively Negotiate best salary and terms of employment Includes up-to-date information on: Using the Internet and other new technology Job applicants with special needs: older workers, recent graduates, mid-level career changes Also included: Practical interview advice: how to control the interview, deal with difficult questions, address past experiences and more Case histories illustrating specific situations Sample cover letters
Al Dunlap is an original: an outspoken, irascible executive with an incredible track record of injecting new life into tired companies. The business media have coined a new verb--"to dunlap"--when describing a fast company turnaround.
Preparation is the key not only to a winning job interview but also to salary negotiation. ... geographically and gives cost-of-living information for selected areas. s American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries: Avon Books publishes ...
Why Women Mean Business takes the economic arguments for change to the heart of the corporate world. Fully updated in paperback, the book shows why getting gender right matters – as much when the economy’s bust as when it’s booming.
Fully updated for today's electronic workplace, this book includes up-to-date information on: Using the Internet (including useful job search Web site addresses) Using the computer, fax and videotape to your advantage Creating an electronic ...
Ideal for anyone new to the job market or new to management, or anyone hoping to improve their work experience.”—Library Journal (starred review) “I am a huge fan of Alison Green’s Ask a Manager column. This book is even better.
Liz Cassidy brings another down to earth and matter of fact book to us. This time on Job Interview Question and Answers. This book is unashamedly a primer for Professionals on preparing for your Job Interviews.
This book shows the reader how to do it, step by pragmatic step.” – John J. Harris, Chairman and CEO, Nestlé Waters “This book is the best overview of the extraordinary business opportunity women represent.” – Julie Gilbert, ...
Arlene Bastion. Dim Sum Leadership covers a wide variety of leadership essentials, e.g. self-leadership, temptations, conflict and coaching. Short and crisp, each chapter is written independently to touch the heart, and is arranged in ...
... interview technique. Take your meeting with the recruiter as seriously as your job interviews, and then they'll know you mean business! Make sure your CV is easy to read and shows clearly what you have to offer. Recruiters read many CVs ...
Job Seeker's Guide to Private and Public Companies . Detroit : Gale Research , Inc .. ( Updated frequently . ) People with Clout ( Contacts ) Contacts Influential : Commerce and Industry Directory . San Francisco : Contacts Influential ...