The practical advice you need to write a great resume Resumes that Mean Business tells you how today's employers evaluate a resume and helps you create the right resume to land the job you want. Whether you have years of job experience or you're starting from scratch, this newly revised book (Third Edition) offers personalized advice for your resume. Fully updated for today's electronic workplace, this book includes up-to-date information on: Using the Internet (including useful job search Web site addresses) Using the computer, fax and videotape to your advantage Creating an electronic resume Articulating technical skills clearly Resumes for special situations: returning to the workplace, establishing a second career, seeking work-study arrangements and more Much more than just a resume guide, this book will teach you to: Design a personalized resume tailored to your specific needs and qualifications Zero in on the keywords of your resume for the most effect Prepare professional letters to market your job talents Handle job interviews with confidence Protect your employee benefits when you change jobs Use the trends in the work force to choose the right field for you Also includes 80 MODEL RESUMES -- including before-and-after examples of resume first aid.
Office Occupations
The Nelson Quick Guide to Writing a Resume
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Writing a Job-winning Résumé
TARGETED : Grapevine Contact See Resume Page 77 1 121 Mountain Valley Road Portl nd , Oregon 97229 26 March 1986 Mrs. Dorothy Blake Director of Sales BROUSSARD PROFILES 2600 Carnes Boulevard Seattle , Washington Dear Mrs. Blake : Karen ...
Great resume advice from a proven expert. Written by David Swanson, a Fortune 500 human resource director, this book identifies top resume problems and provides solutions for creating more effective resumes.
Tea Leaves: A New Look at Resumes
Camille's work has been featured in 202 Great Résumés, 2500 Keywords to Get You Hired, 101 Best Résumés to Sell Yourself, Best Résumés for Grads, Best Résumés for College Students and New Grads, RésuméMaker Deluxe, Job Search Bloopers, ...
A showcase collection of 178 outstanding resume samples with a bonus section that includes 16 resumes printed on special papers.
How to Write a Curriculum Vitae: Detailed Advice on the Content, Layout and Presentation of an Effective C.V