Carville, chief strategist of the 1992 Clinton campaign, offers a no-holds-barred response to the right-wing myths coming out of Congress and the AM airwaves.
Eighty-one percent of the population voted in favor (Humphreys et al. 2010: 156). All fifty-three standard regions that gained asymmetry did so in countries that were moving to democracy. Wresting asymmetry from a standard tier is ...
Bibliography of Canadian and Comparative Federalism, 1980-1985
... hardly surprising ; such programs not only benefit a politically unpopular minority ( the poor ) but also ( may ) undermine the state's position in the interstate competition for business ( Peterson , Rabe , and Wong 1986 : 17 ) .
Citing authorities, judge Martland, with all judges concurring, disposed of the latter point by holding that Section 91.12 concerned more than "fish" in the technical sense but rather the "fisheries" which has been considered as ...
Thomas Campbell Clark was born on September 23, 1899, in Dallas, Texas, to William Clark and Virginia Falls Clark. In later years he preferred the more simple “Tom C. Clark.” His father was a prominent Texas lawyer who served at one ...
39 While Phillips would bid the highwayman depart to repent alone the inevitable pangs of conscience, Lincoln wanted ... Yet when Stephen A. Douglas drew back from the Dred Scott decison, it revealed how even he had to mingle Union with ...
Foote IB87146 * Veterans Administration Guaranteed Housing Loans : The Rising Cost of VA Mortgages , B. Ellington ... 1987 and the Steward B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act : Summary and Analysis , Barbara Miles 88-481 E * Housing and ...
Analyzes the role of the government in promoting social reform, suggests ways it should respond to the changing characteristics of its citizens, and looks at social and economic change in the U.S This important book gives the first ...
An agenda for the post-Reagan era, this volume gives a comprehensive description of the government's role in our daily lives and argues for an activist government that must address the aspects of American life such as an aging population, ...
The Affordable Care Act is a substantial reform of the U.S. health care insurance system.