This reference book for the younger set answers questions that range from "What is the biggest reptile in the world?" to "How can a boa constrictor fit a deer into its mouth?
This volume pairs spectacular photos with easy-to-digest text. It is the first book on these creatures that combines a broad, worldwide sample with full-color, life-size accounts.
Boa constrictors slither around smelling for prey with their forked tongues. Eager students will learn what these fierce hunters look like, where they can be found, and how they use their coils to kill.
Learn all about scaly and cold-blooded snakes!
Creepy, Crawly, Slithery Fun! Greg Kroening. muscle man in a small shirt. This means their shells are not big enough to hide their large legs. For that reason their legs have tough scales like armor, as tortoise legs do.
... level of genus which is written as a binomial in italics with only the generic part of the name receiving a large ... Biology of the Pitvipers . Selva Publishing , 1992 Dreslik , M.J. , W.K. Hayes , S.J. Beaupre & S.P. Mackessy . The ...
Realistic illustrations capture each individual species, while evocative text and dramatic artwork recreate the life, habitats, and behavior of these fascinating reptiles—from harmless grass snakes to the deadly taipan of Australia.
Pictures and text introduce various baby reptiles, how they hatch, their bodies and their habitats.
"Explains cobras, especially the king cobra, including what they eat, where they live, and information about their life cycle and interaction with humans"--Provided by publisher.
Sometimes danger creeps at your feet, especially in the case of snakes.