A collection of color diagrams and line drawings representing human anatomical dissections. Also includes x-rays and photographs.
A cornerstone of gross anatomy since 1943, Grant's Atlas of Anatomy reaches students worldwide with its realistic dissection illustrations, detailed surface anatomy photos, clinical images and comments, and quick-reference muscle tables.
6.21 L Courtesy of D. Armstrong, University of Toronto, Canada 6.240 Courtesy of D. Armstrong, University of Toronto, Canada 6.29B Rowland LP, Merritt's Textbook of Neurology, 9th ed. Baltimore, Williams 8 Wilkins, 1995 6.31 ABD Clay JH ...
Grant's Atlas of Anatomy
More informative and approachable than ever, this updated seventeenth edition broadens students' understanding of key dissection procedures and readies them for success in healthcare practice.
With more than 2,000 exquisitely detailed illustrations, including over 120 new to this edition, the Atlas helps students and seasoned clinicians master the details of human anatomy. Key Features: NEW!
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book uses an interactive approach to help students deepen and reinforce their anatomical knowledge.
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This 11th edition has been reorganized to separate the clinical notes and details from the dissection instructions. A brief introduction precedes each structure's dissecting instructions, and blank observation boxes are...
Interactive CD-ROM includes 800 images from Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, Eleventh Edition, 8 video clips from Acland's DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy, and 100 USMLE-style review questions in anatomy.
contents and the images of this book significantly better mainly because of the life-like images and also the [accompanying] brief descriptions...[which] help keep the interest level going strong." 3rd ye r studente tables.