Recommends the trees, shrubs, flowers, and landscaping that appeals to birds and explains how to build birdhouses and feeders
... video by famous hummingbird photographer Charles Melton . At that time , Tom and Charles both commented on this species ' preference for natural foods and were observing the birds more at creekside flower beds than at the feeders .
图7 最后,在施工管理上,柳树庄园雇用了总承包商(General Contractor,以下简称“GC”),作为甲方、设计方、各个施工方(比如泳池的专业施工方、石墙的施工方、木栅栏的工厂等等)的中间人,协调不同工种的交接以及时间安排。这个人往往极富施工经验,与设计师合作 ...
46 The Lesser Snow Geese of the eastern Canadian Arctic , by H. Boyd , G.E.J. Smith , and F.G. Cooch . Disponible également en français . Cat . No. CW69-1 / 46E . Publ . 1982 . No. 47 The distribution and abundance of seals in the ...
An anthology of nature writings by the great artist and ornithologist features Audubon's writings about the American wilderness and its plant and animal life, accompanied by excerpts from his journals, letters, and published works that ...
With its striking plumage, the great blue heron is one of the most widely recognized wading birds in North America.
Create the landscape of your dreams! This practical, easy-to-use guide covers everything you need to know to design a customized and dazzling landscape. Using a simple 12-step method, Janet Macunovich...
Simply the definitive full-color reference to the horticulture of North America, AHS Encyclopedia of Plants & Flowers contains more than 8,000 plant references, 4,250 photographs, and practical advice on everything...
Shows homeowners how the selection and placement of trees, plants, pools, and other landscaping features can significantly reduce energy costs for heating and cooling
If you've ever relaxed under a tree on a hot day or hurried across an open field in a biting wind, you've experienced how the features of a landscape can...
Marking Central Park's 150th anniversary, this is a history of America's first public park and a paragon of 19th-century landscape design. Sara Cedar Miller, the official historian and photographer for...