Among Whales presents the state of our most advanced knowledge about whales, but in doing so also embraces a rich variety of subjects and disciplines. It is a work of biology - cetacean, marine, and human; of exploration of sociology, of cultural mythology, of philosophy, and most certainly, of literature. As Payne takes us on a journey from the home territory we thought we knew and across the spectrum of life forms, we realize we are also on a journey of the heart, of discovery about the larger questions of life on earth. Among Whales addresses a broad scope of important and penetrating questions: How will the evolving composition of seawater affect life on earth? What is the device by which whales sing, and why do they do it? How can we know that whales use rhyme if we don't understand their language? For what purposes do dolphins use their unparalleled large and complex brains? What is the purpose of the human brain? What is the nature of wilderness? How and why do creatures come together in peace? Among Whales is unique in its scholarly integrity and breadth of vision, biologically absorbing and humanly rich.
This compelling story of heroism and tenacious human spirit— the first book to look at this momentous new movement—brings alive one of its most astonishing victories.
The designer was Major John Wesley Powell , a man Any number of levels of scale might emerge in the future , whom one does not usually think of as a shaper of landscapes but for the present , all we can do is group the possible or even ...
The lighthouse is tucked snugly between the channel on the north , the nearby Lake Michigan shore on the west , and towering hills on the south . An expansive , shade - dappled lawn sprawls to a wood fence that serves as a divider ...
... George W. 318 Neal , Lonnie G. 126 , 312 Nickerson , William J. 11 Nokes , Clarence 121 Page , Lionel F. 356 ... Wanda Anne A. 150 Small , Isadore , III 135 Smart , Brinay 106 Smith , Jonathan S. , II 312 Smith , Morris Leslie 312 ...
SCHALLER , George B. ( 1972 ) The Serengeti Lion : a Study of Predator - Prey Relationships . University of Chicago Press , Chicago & London . SCHALLER , George B. ( 1973 ) Serengeti : a Kingdom of Predators . Collins , London .
Records the creative and intellectual development of Emerson as a man of letters through a collection of his writings
Robert W. Adler, Jessica C. Landman, Diane M. Cameron. 32 33 35 37 39 41 42 43 45 47 48 Chesapeake Executive Council, The Chesapeake Bay... A Progress Report 1990–1991 (1991), 5, 12. Tom Horton and William M. Eichbaum, Turning the Tide, ...
A new vision is sweeping through ecological science: The dense web of dependencies that makes up an ecosystem has gained an added dimension-the dimension of time. Every field, forest, and...
Type locality : Duffield's Ranch , Sierra Nevada , California . 2 음 6. Phoradendron coloradense Trel . Colorado Desert Mistletoe . Fig . 1293 . Phoradendron coloradense Trel . Monogr . Phora . dendron 39. 1916 .
(不過,某些情況下,有人可能會因為太過激進而丟了老命,正如我的匈牙利劇作家曾祖父維特茲〔Miklós Vitéz〕一樣,他在新婚之夜太努力想向小自己四十五歲的新娘證明自己。)多子多孫與短命的關係如果我們的基因不想死,那為何人類無法長生不老?