Since it was first published, more than seven million people have been touched by the magic of The Christmas Box, a holiday classic that is as beloved in our time as A Christmas Carol was in Dickens's.
When Richard Paul Evans wrote The Christmas Box, he intended it as a private expression of love for his two young daughters, Jenna and Allyson. Though he often told them that he loved them, he didn't feel that they could ever really understand the depth of his feelings until they had experienced the joy of rearing their own children, and by that time their relationship would have changed forever. In writing The Christmas Box, he hoped that at some time in the future they would read the book and know of their father's love.
As Evans began to write, he was amazed at the inspiration that flowed into his mind and heart. He completed the moving story of a widow and the young family who comes to live with her in less than six weeks, and bound twenty copies to give as Christmas presents to family and friends. In the following weeks, those twenty copies were shared and passed along from family to family, from friend to friend, and what began as a tale for two little girls became a message of miracles, hope, and healing for people throughout the world.
你有試過迷茫,灰心,甚至對這世界心灰意冷? 教你樂觀面對人生,要活得開心?請先熱愛你自己的生命! 擁有沉重壓力的香港人必讀之書!!!!!! ...
「新學問」(佛羅倫斯的知識試驗廣為人知後的稱呼)的學生們被命為特使派遣至外地,他們所經之處,都掀起了新的運動。「改革之父」馬丁.路德(Martin Luther)和伊拉模斯(Erasmus)1的老師──羅伊希林(Reuchlin)2,在離開佛羅倫斯之後成為最優先在德國播下宗教 ...
生命是流動的,你不可能停在某個處境當中, 財富、事業、深愛的子女,或者是傷透你心的一段戀情…… 不管你如何強求,或者抗拒, 該來的總是會來,該走的沒有一樣留得住。 ...
This book contains 31 stories or reflections centered on the theme of finding God in daily events and aims to help readers look and listen for God each day of their life.
This is a book of personal devotions which compels a deep searching of one's inner life. Dr. Baillie has written each prayer so that it has that rare quality of...
Making Sense of Suffering: A Jewish Approach
人類最缺乏的生存技巧,是面對苦痛仍保有人性。 雖然人世間的折磨將我們變成討厭的人, 但正念能讓我們找到對自己溫柔以待、小心輕放的方式, 並懷抱慈悲、喜悅、寧靜與智慧,重拾與他人及世界的連結。 ★美國Amazon讀者4.6顆星盛讚 童年創傷.照護者壓力.溝通障礙.虐戀.社會衝突.犯罪後內疚 作者提姆.戴斯蒙自小缺少父親的關愛、童年飽受母親酗酒之苦又經常逃家,成家立業後又遭逢妻子罹癌逝世。雖然面對生命再三的考驗,他卻能從這些痛苦與崩潰的狀態中熬了過來。到底是什麼力量,讓他能夠一次次從打擊中再次站起來,而願意持續擁抱生命的美好呢?答案就是:「正念」。 戴斯蒙曾多年跟著一行禪師接受禪修的訓練,而體悟到正念的力量是讓人能夠看清楚真理實相,而非讓自己不斷怨天尤人,甚至陷入痛苦中無法自拔。正念的真諦並不是要你凡事都往好處想,而是要如實接受當下的一切,藉由回到自己內心的「家」,找尋從痛苦與情緒創傷中解放的心藥方。 本書透過各種練習帶你培養正念,如此才能在面對周遭環境的巨變、人際關係崩壞,以及不時傾洩而出憂鬱情緒時,仍舊毫無畏懼地繼續前進。這些正念練習不僅是脫離痛苦、治癒情緒創傷的方法,更能幫助你好好地在糟糕透頂的世界中安住,再次發現生命中的美好,並能啟動善的循環改變世界,散播愛與溫暖給每一個人。 正能量推薦 石世明╱欣明心理成長中心臨床心理師、台灣正念照顧協會常務理事 李怡如 Sangeeta ╱正念減壓MBSR老師、《366正念卡》作者 柚子甜╱心靈作家 陳德中╱台灣正念工坊執行長
Thomas Merton is often considered the most prominent Christian contemplative of the twentieth century, but he was also a political activist, social visionary, and literary figure whose writings combine the...
In the Sphere of Silence
From Boston to Los Angeles, Catholic sexual abuse scandals have been widely coverd in the media. Here for the first time the personal stories of those involved, both abusers and...