Describes the intriguing characters the journalist met on his travels
Describes the intriguing characters the journalist met on his travels
The author presents an account of some of his travels in search of quintessentially American people and places
Ninety-two brief essays describe rural and small town America and its horsetraders, pioneers, bridge builders, blacksmiths, moonshiners, prospectors, fishermen, and eccentrics
The popular TV newsman and commentator chronicles his early days in the media, the rise of his career, and the richly diverse people he has encountered and the places he has been over the years
In celebration of North Carolina's 400th birthday, Charles Kuralt collaborated with another of the state's famous sons, Loonis McGlohon, to produce this down-home, witty celebration of their native land. From...
Filled with fascinating tidbits about our parks' past and reflections on their fragile future, this book is both a celebration of and a passionate case for the natural wonders that all Americans share.
Hundreds of eyewitness accounts of great moments in American history include Langston Hughes on the Scottsboro boys, Jack London on the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, and other chronicles of the Salem witch trials and the Scopes trial
Kalb joins a cast of legendary figures in telling this story of the early days of the Cold War and broadcast news, from Murrow to Eric Severeid, Howard K. Smith, Richard Hottelet, Charles Kuralt, and Daniel Schorr, among many others—men ...
To the Top of the World: The First Plaisted Polar Expedition
Two native sons celebrate the state's four hundredth birthday