Provides information about the families who have lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue from President John Adams to President Clinton, including a look at the various celebrations held at the White House from weddings to Halloween parties.
"The Compendium of American Genealogy is the most important collection of American lineage records of the 20th century.
In this wonderfully engaging book, Bonnie Angelo, Time correspondent and acclaimed author of First Mothers, probes two hundred years of American history to tell the story of real life within the White House walls—how presidents, their ...
"The Compendium of American Genealogy is the most important collection of American lineage records of the 20th century.
(Washington, DC: White House Historical Association/National Geographic/Harry Abrams, 1986). Seigel, Beatrice. George and Martha Washington at Home in New York. (New York: Macmillan, Four Winds Press, 1989).
With Historical Introduction by Dr. Don Yoder.This prominent Quaker family played an important role in the settlement of America from Pennsylvania to the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Wickershams were also...
" America's First Dynasty charts the family's travels through American history along with an impressive cast of characters, among them George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, and Theodore Roosevelt.
Approached from a historical lens, learn about the great and influential families, their rise and sometimes their fall.
Benson and Coleman 2016, 806. 45. Watson and Stelle 2011. 46. Benson and Coleman 2016, 803. 47. Benson and Coleman 2016. 48. Aleccia 2013. 49. Manning and Stykes 2015. 50. Eickmeyer 2015. 51. Author's calculations. 52.
Seeing a pressing need to preserve these experiences, lifelong Madison resident Muriel Simms collected the stories of twenty-five African Americans whose families arrived, survived, and thrived here in the late nineteenth and early ...
Originally published in 1897, this early works is a fascinating novel of the period and still an interesting read today.