J. Harry Haines , Committed Locally — Living Globally ( Nashville : Abingdon Press , 1982 ) , p . 70 . 4. Robert L. Wilson , Shaping the Congregation ( Nashville : Abingdon Press , 1981 ) , p . 23 . 5. Haines , Committed Locally , p .
In A Faith to Proclaim, James Stewart focuses on the essential message of evangelism rather than sermon preparation or delivery technique.
A Faith to Proclaim
In To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach, Dees offers practical examples of how to apply Jesus’ threefold ministry to everyday life: allow yourself to be constantly evangelized; learn to help others through both good and bad times; and root ...
... sacramental imagination,” Liturgy News 33 (2003): 3–4. 33. Thompson, “sensus fidelium and infallibility,” 479. 34. see John V. Taylor, The Go-Between God: The Holy Spirit and the Christian Mission (London: sCm Press, 1972). on st.
Just like the brain power of the human body so too is the word of God. Without the brain, there is no life. The body is dead. Faith, Love, and Word is a book about the Lord Jesus expounding on His word.
This book, compiled to honor writer, preacher, teacher, and scholar Thomas G. Long at the end of his teaching career, addresses practical questions such as "How do we proclaim the good news to young adults who are on the margins of church ...
This book will encourage the discouraged, strengthen the weak, speak peace to the restless and give hope to the hopeless. I pray this book will find fertile ground in your heart to produce abundant fruit in your life. Hope in the Lord!
This document's purpose is to spell out the Church's understanding of the nature of revelation--the process whereby God communicates with human beings. It touches upon questions about Scripture, tradition, and...
A specially priced, beautifully designed hardcover edition of The Joy of the Gospel with a foreword by Robert Barron and an afterword by James Martin, SJ. “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus… In ...
Chapters in this ebook: -- Introduction: You Can Have Living Faith -- What Is Faith? -- The Meaning of Faith -- The Book of James: An 'Epistle of Straw'?