"Henry James was not only a great Victorian novelist. He was also one of the great travel writers of all time. Traveling in Italy with Henry James combines his vivid letters home from Italy with a selection of his most heartfelt and eloquent essays about the cities and rural areas he visited between 1869 and 1907." "First arriving in Italy a year before it was united as a secular state, James was a firsthand observer of Italy's national adolescence and early adulthood. His letters bear witness to his spontaneous responses to the dramatic geography and the extroverted people, which were a refreshing contrast to the rainy climate and reserved Victorians he was accustomed to. In the essays James delves more deeply into his Italian experience." "Unlike other collections of Henry James's Italian travel writing, Kaplan's anthology has been arranged geographically: He compiles for readers and tourists a literary map of James's Italy. This small, portable volume is the ideal companion for any explorer of Italy, and for the armchair tourist, Kaplan's collection provides a city-by-city tour of Florence, Venice, Rome, and the breathtaking countryside in between. In James's prose writings on Italy, readers will find the sensuous, passionate, human side of one of the most inspired writers in the English language."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
But the “ open form ” resulting from what Robert M. Adams calls an “ unresolved tension ” between Cervantes's pair " 3 may have provided a suggestive design along with adapted details . Twain himself , we know , greatly approved the ...
Here are more than 1,800 quotations, organized from A-to-Z, from America's consummate author--Mark Twain.
His research into modern religious faith and forms of spirituality is from a psychological and empirical perspective rather than intuitive or spiritual . The other primary male character in the novel is Plucky Purcell , who represents ...
for Palmer , she learns from his sadistic " lessons in manliness " ( II , 143 ) to harden her will and suppress the feminine longing for protection . The narrative moves quickly to Susan's success in overcoming her exploiter .
(1981). - (... ; 2).
Edward Hudlin maintains that the book follows very closely the structure of the heroic myth as outlined by Joseph Campbell ... Carol Pearson and Katherine Pope look at Dorothy's adventures from a mythological and feminist perspective.19 ...
The Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 1995 . Rose , Margaret . Parody : Ancient , Modern , and Post - Modern . Literature , Culture , Theory . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 1993 . Rowe , John Carlos .
Chronicles the life and career of American author Herman Melville, uncovering autobiographical elements in his diverse works, discussing the historical and cultural implications of his writing, and assessing his accomplishments as a writer.
At whatever level of consciousness , this was Hurston's method of getting a predominantly white society to try on a different and African American subjectivity , one that appeals to the deepest of mythic archetypes .
KAREN TEI YAMASHITA (1951- ) 1 Robin E. Field ♢ BIOGRAPHY Karen Tei Yamashita, a third-generation Japanese American, ... nation and culture; and in an essay in her recent collection Circle K Cycles, she instead claims the term nikkei, ...