Awakening Earth: Exploring the Evolution of Human Culture and Consciousness

Awakening Earth: Exploring the Evolution of Human Culture and Consciousness
Psychology / General
Duane Elgin


"Just as there are relatively distinct stages that characterize the development of an individual from infancy to early adulthood, so too are there discernible stages in the development of our species as we move toward a planetary-scale civilization. Awakening Earth brings together views from science and spirituality, East and West, the practical and the visionary, to present a compelling new picture of human evolution. Based upon twenty years of research, this book explores the human journey from the initial awakening of hunter-gatherers roughly 35,000 years ago, through the agrarian era and Industrial Revolution, and then goes on to describe three additional stages of development essential for realizing our initial maturity as a global species-civilization." "A disoriented world civilization faced with dwindling resources, mounting pollution, and exploding population is a recipe for ecological collapse and social anarchy. It is imperative that the human family begin to make rapid and profound changes in how we live together on the Earth. To accomplish this, we must now ask ourselves fundamental questions: Who are we? What are we doing here? Where are we going as a species? Awakening Earth provides a catalyst for this conversation with its integrative vision and inspiring map of the journey toward a sustainable, compassionate, and creative future. While not predicting a sudden "new age" of social enlightenment, Awakening Earth does present the promising view that humanity is roughly halfway through seven major transformations in culture and consciousness required to build a planetary civilization that can endure into the deep future."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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