On the fifth anniversary of his older sister's death, nineteen-year-old Jonny Dart, troubled by feelings of guilt and an imperfect memory of the event, goes in search of the only other witness to the fatal accident. Through a chance meeting with a senile old woman, he finds a way to free himself of the past.
This timely book is a practical and compassionate guide to understanding and living with a condition that affects one in four people over 85. The lead author is Professor Ralph Martins, AO, one of the country's most respected researchers.
She has locked up her heart, convinced that no one - including God - could love her. Four unlikely people - Alzheimer's patients - find the cracks in Ashley's heart and slowly help her remember.
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Sacca SC, Rolando M, ... Wall M, Neahring RK, Woodward KR: Sensitivity and specificity of frequency doubling perimetry in neuro-ophthalmic ...
They were going to meet Lisa and Tracy for a " girls night out . ” Janelle always felt better if she could schedule time with her friends when Matt was busy doing something else , but tonight he had no plans .
Mr. Clark asked again , smoothing his hand over the car as he shut the door with a soft click . I looked wide - eyed at him to see if he was kidding . He wasn't . Granny shook her head , her face solemn . I nodded .
It is also a rich source of information on care- giving. ... Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center P.O. Box 8250 Silver Spring, MD 20907 800-438-4380 (toll-free) www.alzheimers.org A service of the National Institute on ...
Remember-Book 2
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Retrovirus in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Diseases: Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26, 1996 :...
Because they work closely with users of care services, frontline care staff are in a position to deliver person-centred care.