The help of Buffy and Angel is needed to solve a heated mystery near the Mexican border, where the discovery of a smuggling ring, deaths at the hands of vampires, and the appearance of crows in the area signal more terrifying events to come.
Based on the final episode of the television series, Angel reveals that he has been on a quest to destroy The Circle of the Black Thorn, urging his friends that good can still make a difference in the world as they are attacked by the ...
Originally published as 5 comic book issues.
Picking up where the television series left off, Season six looks at who lived, who died, and what happened to Los Angeles in its wake.
Everyday life has its pitfalls when you're a half-demon plagued by visions.
As Angel continues his quest for atonement after a century of mayhem, all of his friends are fleeing something in their own pasts--and all of them arrive in Los Angeles, intent on finding and nurturing that one bright spot in their lives: ...
Now that Angel's back in charge, he tries to reconcile with his son Connor while Spike gets into the prophecy business, Laura has some strange ideas, and a demon army of warrior women attacks Los Angeles.