... 17 ment to ( 1967 ) , 135 Ford , Gerald R. , 167 equal rights amendment , 6 Ford Foundation , 22 , 26 , 158 , 161 , 168 estate planning , 125 Forman , William , 12 Ethical Considerations , ABA , 27–28 , 49– Fortas , Abe , 37 , 86 50 ...
This is the first book ever written for the defense on how to avoid runaway jury verdicts. I wrote this book because I care about fairness. I believe everyone has the right to a fair trial, not just plaintiff lawyers and their clients.
These collection raises issues ranging from ability of jurors to understand judicial instructions to the ability of attorneys to predict the outcome of pending litigation.
See also insanity defense Paternoster, Ray, 385 Patricia Hearst case, 132–33, 142–43 Pearson, Richard N., 382, 389 Pearson, Robert W., 362 Peel, Robert, 211 peers, jury of, 34–35, 65–81 peine forte et dure, 24–25 Pellowski, Michael, ...
First published in 1962, this is the biography of American journalist, novelist and screenwriter Adela Rogers St. Johns’ father, Earl Rogers, a renowned Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer in the early 20th century.
What follows in this book is the verdict, rendered in laymans language that makes the compelling case that every single claim about Jesus Christ in the Bible was true yesterday, is true today, and will be true tomorrow.
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
Reprint of the original, first published in 1874.
In these illuminating and often eloquent essays, a practicing lawyer with almost thirty-five years of experience explores various aspects of his profession. But this book is not for lawyers only.
Getting a Winning Verdict in My Personal Life: A Trial Lawyer Finds His Soul
Lawyers are Killing America: A Trial Lawyer's Appeal for Genuine Tort Reform