It is difficult to believe that the separation of Western Electric from AT & T or the breaking up of General Mo13Richard J. Barber , “ Government and the Consumer , ” Michigan Law Review , May 1966 , p . 1221 . a tors into five or seven ...
May 2002
However, this is easier said than done. The goal of this Handbook is to provide a collection of state-of-the-art chapters to address this issue.
Aluminum found markets in bicycle parts , cameras , shoe eyelets , horseshoes , reflectors in locomotive headlights , flashlight powder , bathtubs , and selected auto parts . The researchers at Alcoa continued to seek out new markets .
Once an industrial giant becomes lethargic and no longer bestows its productive beneficence on society, it will inevitably wither and eventually die. This is the "natural law" that governs economic life. It demands obedience to its rules.
This dissertation consists of an introductory chapter and three distinct yet thematically related papers.
... top 1 percent: See Anthony B. Atkinson, Thomas Piketty, and Emmanuel Saez, “Top Incomes in the Long Run of History,” Journal of Economic Literature 49, no. 1 (2011): 41–42. When railroad workers went on strike: See Robert E. Weir, ...
In this clear, concise book, Clifford Winston offers his innovative analysis—shaped by thirty years of evidence—to assess the efficacy of government interventions.
However, econometric work in international trade is comparatively scarce, especially if it comes to testing with individual data. Therefore, this volume is considered to be a contribution to fill that gap.
The book is an ideal text for public policy and the media as well as media and society courses with an economic perspective taught in Media Studies, Communication, Business, Journalism, Film Studies, Political Studies, and Economics ...
We estimate the evolution of markups of publicly traded firms in 74 economies from 1980-2016.