The Description for this book, Essays on Latin Lyric, Elegy, and Epic, will be forthcoming.
In Horace's Odes love cannot last. Is the poet unromantic, as some critics claim? Is he merely realistic? Or is he, as Ronnie Ancona contends, relating the erotic to time...
Roman epic. London and New York: Routledge. A collection of essays on all Roman epic poets; see especially Sander M. Goldberg, “Saturnian epic: Livius and Naevius,” 19–36; ... In Essays on Latin lyric, elegy, and epic.
In Ancient and Modern: Essays in Honor ofGerald F. Else, edited by John D'Arms and John Eadie. Ann Arbor, 1977, 139–57. Reprinted in Michael C. J. Putnam, Essays on Latin Lyric, Elegy, and Epic (Princeton, 1982).
Essays on Latin Lyric, Elegiac and Epic. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Quinn, Kenneth (1970). Catullus: The Poems. London: Macmillan. Reckford, Kenneth J. (1958). “Some Appearances of the Golden Age,” The Classical Journal ...
Yale French Studies 45 (1970): 21–32. [Reprinted in Essays on Latin Lyric, Elegy and Epic (Princeton, 1982), 163–74.] ——— . “Horace and Tibullus.” CPh 67 (1972): 81–88. [Reprinted in Essays on Latin Lyric, Elegy and Epic (Princeton, ...
... in another sense , exactly the place on the ship where a beneficent divinity like Apollo belongs . The divine image was “ prominently placed far aft ” ( Casson 1971 : 347 ) facing forwards , most often on the boat's edge .
Putnam , M. C. J. Essays on Latin Lyric , Elegy , and Epic . Princeton , 1982 . “ Propertius and the New Gallus Fragment . ” ZPE 39 ( 1980 ) , 49-56 . “ Propertius ' Third Book : Patterns of Cohesion . ” Arethusa 13 ( 1980 ) , 97–113 ...
3 “ Romanae Fidicen Lyrae : The Odes of Horace , " in Critical Essays on Roman Literature : Elegy and Lyric , ed . ... 1982 ) ; Michael Putnam , Essays on Latin Lyric , Elegy , and Epic ( Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1982 ) ...
I am grateful to David Bromwich , Lionel Gossman , and James Chandler , the editors of the Literature in History series , for their advice and criticism : particularly to David Bromwich , whose suggestions have greatly improved the ...
Lee, Guy. The Complete Poems of Catullus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Martin, Charles. The Poems of Catullus. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990. Michie, J. The Poems of Catullus.