Hard Choices, Easy Answers: Values, Information, and American Public Opinion

Hard Choices, Easy Answers: Values, Information, and American Public Opinion
Political Science
Princeton University Press
R. Michael Alvarez, John Brehm


Nathan Millward had a dream - he wanted to ride across the world on a small motorbike. A decommissioned Australia Post bike, to be precise. But that was just something he liked to talk about; he would never actually go ahead and do it. Right? When he learns that he has just twenty days to leave Australia before his visa expires, he has a choice to make: stay on illegally, or go back to England, leaving behind the girl he has fallen in love with. Stay or go? Then, much to his surprise, the girl comes up with a solution: he should make the trip he is always talking about. With hardly any money, and protected by little more than a T-shirt, combat shorts, Converse sneakers and a pair of welding gloves, Nathan hits the road on his clapped-out postie bike. From Sydney to Darwin, then through East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal and India; onwards through Pakistan and China, then west through the 'Stans, Russia, Ukraine and the home run through Europe to England. He travels with nothing more than the gear he can carry on the back of the bike he has nicknamed Dot, and at an average speed of 65 km/h. GOING POSTAL has it all: foreign cultures, wrong turns, the kindness of strangers and the bitter-sweet trials of love. By turns funny, poignant and inspiring, it will have every reader asking themself: if you put your mind to it, what can you achieve?

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