In intellectual and political culture today, the Enlightenment is routinely celebrated as the starting point of modernity and secular rationalism, or demonized as the source of a godless liberalism in conflict with religious faith. InThe Religious Enlightenment, David Sorkin alters our understanding by showing that the Enlightenment, at its heart, was religious in nature. Sorkin examines the lives and ideas of influential Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic theologians of the Enlightenment, such as William Warburton in England, Moses Mendelssohn in Prussia, and Adrien Lamourette in France, among others. He demonstrates that, in the century before the French Revolution, the major religions of Europe gave rise to movements of renewal and reform that championed such hallmark Enlightenment ideas as reasonableness and natural religion, toleration and natural law. Calvinist enlightened orthodoxy, Jewish Haskalah, and reform Catholicism, to name but three such movements, were influential participants in the eighteenth century's burgeoning public sphere and promoted a new ideal of church-state relations. Sorkin shows how they pioneered a religious Enlightenment that embraced the new science of Copernicus and Newton and the philosophy of Descartes, Locke, and Christian Wolff, uniting reason and revelation to renew faith and piety. This book reveals how Enlightenment theologians refashioned belief as a solution to the dogmatism and intolerance of previous centuries. Read it and you will never view the Enlightenment the same way.
Provides a look at the studies, innovations, key figures, and controversy in the world of science during the eigteenth-century, discussing astronomy, chemistry, botany, and medicine.
First published in 1784, Kant's immortal essay is now a part of the Penguin Great Ideas series. This series is ideal for readers who want to explore and savor the Great Ideas that have shaped our world.
Richardson, Robert D., Jr. “Introduction.” In Charles-François Dupuis, The Origins of All ... Robson, David. Educating Republicans: The College in the Era of the American Revolution, 1750–1800. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985.
A reappraisal of the work of five major narrative historians (Voltaire, Hume, Robertson, Gibbon and Ramsay) in eighteenth-century Europe and America.
Weaver , William and Chiusid , Martin , A Verdi Companion ( London , 1980 ) . Weidmann , Paul , Johann Faust . Ein allegorisches Drama ( Prague , 1775 ) . Welleck , René , A History of Modern Criticism ( London , 1955 ) .
啓蒙運動: 自由之科學
"Advancing the Enlightenment draws upon John Rawls, Gilles Deleuze, and Tariq Ramadan to present a vision for progressive politics.
Peter Baumgart : Die Annexion und Eingliederung Schlesiens in den friderizianischen Staat . In : ders . ... Kritischer als Baumgart urteilt Wilhelm Treue : Schlesiens Eingliederung in das preußische Wirtschaftssystem .
For misogyny see M. Paillard , ed . , The English and French Masonic Consitutions , pp . 38 , 56 , " no woman , no eunuch ; " for progressive views see The Perjur'd Free Mason Detected ( London , 1723 ) and The Generous Free - Mason ...