The Retirement Series is documenting Jefferson's written legacy between his return to private life on 4 March 1809 and his death on 4 July 1826. During this period Jefferson founded the University of Virginia and sold his extraordinary library to the nation, but his greatest legacy from these years is the astonishing depth and breadth of his correspondence with statesmen, inventors, scientists, philosophers, and ordinary citizens on topics spanning virtually every field of human endeavor.--From publisher description.
The Retirement Series documents Jefferson's written legacy between his return to private life on 4 March 1809 and his death on 4 July 1826.
... 265, 323, 325n, 440, 519, 543 Clark, George Rogers, 580n Clark, James: petition to General Assembly, 253–4 Clark (Clarke), William: identified, 1:511n; as Lewis's executor, 110, 166 Clarke, Adam: The Holy Bible, 356–7 Clarkson, ...
A definitive new volume of the retirement papers of Thomas Jefferson This volume’s 601 documents show Jefferson dealing with various challenges.
Blank retained in Dft. 7 Word interlined in Dft. 8 Word reworked by Ellen Randolph from an illegible deletion. In RC to Brown, TJ interlined this word in place of what appears to be “necessary.” 9 Word reworked by Ellen Randolph from an ...
16 November 1809 to 11 August 1810 Thomas Jefferson J. Jefferson Looney. Articles of the personal estate of Bathurst Skelton decd which having been taken in execution for the judgment of Farrell & Jones, were bought at public sale for ...
I am to meet the representatives of B.r Skelton and J. Fleming in Richmond at mr Ladd's oDce on the 20th instant, and shall lodge at the Swan by recommendation of Judge Fleming who promised to engage me a room there, as our mutual ...
... 96–7, 476; seeks letter of recommendation, 125, 146–7 Small, Abraham: identified, 7:332n; as publisher, 89,90 Smith, ... See also Adams, John Quincy; Brent, Daniel; Graham, John statics: collegiate education in, 208,214 Statistical ...
H. Estienne), 233 Aloyévous AaeptioU Tepissiov, Öoyuátov Kai &topdeyuátov táv čv (plåooopia eijóokiumatovtov, Biff/io 1'. ... xlvii Dolphin (ship), 128–9 Don Quixote (M. de Cervantes): J. Adams on, 573; W. Wirt alludes to, 346, ...
The fact of the North Western side of the lott,r being, or not being, upon a Common, will make an incalculable difference in its value. The Common upon that side is claimed by Colo Jno Mayo, under a deed executed in 1781 by Colo Byrd to ...
457n Patterson, John: and L. H. Girardin, 290; identified, 10:559n Patterson, J. W. & E. (Baltimore firm). See J. W. & E. Patterson (Baltimore firm) Patterson, Robert: identified, 1:193–4n; letter to, 400–1; TJ introduces H. B. Trist to ...