A richly illustrated history of antiquity's secret religious rituals
This is the first book to describe and explain all of the ancient world's major mystery cults--one of the most intriguing but least understood aspects of Greek and Roman religion. In the nocturnal Mysteries at Eleusis, participants dramatically re-enacted the story of Demeter's loss and recovery of her daughter Persephone; in the Bacchic cult, bands of women ran wild in the Greek countryside to honor Dionysus; and in the mysteries of Mithras, men came to understand the nature of the universe and their place within it through frightening initiation ceremonies and astrological teachings. These cults were an important part of life in the ancient Mediterranean world, but their actual practices were shrouded in secrecy, and many of their features have remained unclear until now.
By richly illustrating the evidence from ancient art and archaeology, and drawing on enlightening new work in the anthropology and cognitive science of religion, Mystery Cults of the Ancient World allows readers to imagine as never before what it was like to take part in these ecstatic and life-changing religious rituals--and what they meant to those who participated in them. Stunning images of Greek painted pottery, Roman frescoes, inscribed gold tablets from Greek and South Italian tombs, and excavated remains of religious sanctuaries help show what participants in these initiatory cults actually did and experienced.
A fresh and accessible introduction to a fascinating subject, this is a book that will interest general readers, as well as students and scholars of classics and religion.
Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC- CLIO, 1992. Green, Miranda J. Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992. Spence, Lewis. The Fairy Tradition in Britain. London: Rider and Company, 1948.
Provides a collection of essays and alphabetical entries that cover the history of freedom of religion in the United States.
London : Darton , Longman and Todd . 1974. A Second Collection : Papers by Bernard J. F. Lonergan , S.J. Edited by William F.J. Ryan and Bernard J. Tyrrell . London : Darton , Longman and Todd . 1976. The Way to Nicea : The Dialectical ...
Food & Nutrition Sciences: Answer Key
In the D. Emeis & K.H. Schmitt , Handbuch der Gemeindekatechese , northern German dioceses , the most commonly used 1986 • F.-P. Tebartz - van Elst , “ Gemeindliche Katechese , ” in : catechism was B.H. - Overberg's Katechismus der ...
Atlas of the bible, by reader's digest association
128 See John Walton Tyrer , Historical Survey of Holy Week : Its Services and Ceremonial , Alcuin Club Collections 29 ( London : Oxford University Press , 1932 ) , esp . 58 ; and see also this occasion was important for other reasons ...
Edmunds, R. David. The Shawnee Prophet. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1983. Edward, Paul, ed. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. New York: Macmillan, 1967. Edwards, Frank. Stranger Than Science. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1959.
Theda Perdue and Michael D. Green, eds., The Cherokee Removal: A Brief History with Documents (Boston and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995). On the artist who painted the image of the Trail of Tears shown in Figure 5, Jerome Tiger, ...
로제타 홀 (Rosetta S. Hall) ... Opened a Women's Hospital in Chemulpo Son Sherwood and Marian Bottomley married in Ohio Arrived in Korea, Sherwood and his wife 6 Sherwood hall, Establishment of the Haiju TB Sanatorium Sherwood hall, ...