The essential lifesaver for students who want to master probability For students learning probability, its numerous applications, techniques, and methods can seem intimidating and overwhelming. That's where The Probability Lifesaver steps in. Designed to serve as a complete stand-alone introduction to the subject or as a supplement for a course, this accessible and user-friendly study guide helps students comfortably navigate probability's terrain and achieve positive results. The Probability Lifesaver is based on a successful course that Steven Miller has taught at Brown University, Mount Holyoke College, and Williams College. With a relaxed and informal style, Miller presents the math with thorough reviews of prerequisite materials, worked-out problems of varying difficulty, and proofs. He explores a topic first to build intuition, and only after that does he dive into technical details. Coverage of topics is comprehensive, and materials are repeated for reinforcement—both in the guide and on the book's website. An appendix goes over proof techniques, and video lectures of the course are available online. Students using this book should have some familiarity with algebra and precalculus. The Probability Lifesaver not only enables students to survive probability but also to achieve mastery of the subject for use in future courses. A helpful introduction to probability or a perfect supplement for a course Numerous worked-out examples Lectures based on the chapters are available free online Intuition of problems emphasized first, then technical proofs given Appendixes review proof techniques Relaxed, conversational approach
Inspired by the popular Calculus Lifesaver, this book is refreshingly straightforward and full of clear explanations, pictures, and humor. It is the lifesaver that every drowning student needs.
"--Gerald B. Folland, author of "Advanced Calculus""This is an engaging read. Each page engenders at least one smile, often a chuckle, occasionally a belly laugh."--Charles R. MacCluer, author of "Honors Calculus""This book is significant.
In addition, this is the first undergraduate book to explore Random Matrix Theory, which has recently become a powerful tool for predicting answers in number theory.
The text includes many computer programs that illustrate the algorithms or the methods of computation for important problems. The book is a beautiful introduction to probability theory at the beginning level.
As best-selling author Charles Wheelan shows us in Naked Statistics, the right data and a few well-chosen statistical tools can help us answer these questions and more. For those who slept through Stats 101, this book is a lifesaver.
Following the successful, 'The Humongous Books', in calculus and algebra, bestselling author Mike Kelley takes a typical statistics workbook, full of solved problems, and writes notes in the margins, adding missing steps and simplifying ...
Rudolf J. Freund, William J. Wilson. Statistical Methods Second Edition Rudolf J. Freund Texas A&M University William J. Wilson University of North Florida Senior Editor, Mathematics Barbara Holland Senior Project Manager Angela Dooley.
This book tells the story of ten great ideas about chance and the thinkers who developed them, tracing the philosophical implications of these ideas as well as their mathematical impact.
Emphasizing common challenges and techniques across the disciplines, this accessible book shows how Benford’s law can serve as a productive meeting ground for researchers and practitioners in diverse fields.
This second edition has wider coverage, more explanations and examples and exercises, and a new chapter introducing Markov chains, making it a great choice for a first probability course.