Describes the origins, classification, size and shape, colors, enemies, food, reproduction, life-cycle, and habitat of frogs and toads from around the world.
Explains the evolution of frogs and toads, relationship to other animals, ecology, behavior, interaction with humans, etc.
An illustrated introduction to the natural history of frogs and toads
Describes the physical traits, life cycles, habits, behavior and habitats of frogs and toads.
How far can a frog jump? Do frogs make good pets? What's the difference between frogs and toads? Read this book to find out!
Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitats of various kinds of frogs and toads.
A fascinating world of scientific wonders, the amphibian species is full of unusual and extreme adaptations and is home to numerous unsolved mysteries. "Amphibians" is your guide to these intriguing...
Describes each of the thirty-one families of frogs, provides a history of the frog's role in the natural world, and discusses myths and folklore associated with frogs
Shows the species of frogs and toads in the United States and Canada, accompanied by a seventy minute CD which includes the calls of nearly every species.
Frogs and toads are some of the most confusing amphibians to classify.
The Book of Frogs brings readers face to face with six hundred astonishingly unique and irreplaceable species that display a diverse array of adaptations to habitats that are under threat of destruction throughout the world.