The "Origin" Then and Now is a unique guide to Darwin's masterwork, making it accessible to a much wider audience by deconstructing and reorganizing the Origin in a way that allows for a clear explanation of its key concepts. The "Origin" Then and Now is an indispensable primer for anyone seeking to understand Darwin's Origin of Species and the ways it has shaped the modern study of evolution.
This book explores Darwin's driving passion using Darwin's own words from The Origin of Species, Autobiography, Voyage of the Beagle and letters.
Just Before the Origin presents the theory of evolution through natural selection as it was developed by Russel Wallace and published in several essays written from 1848 through 1858, before Darwin’s Origin of the Species in 1889.
The book chronicles the sweeping history of enterprise in Mesopotamia and Neo-Babylon; carries the reader through the Islamic Middle East; offers insights into the entrepreneurial history of China, Japan, and Colonial India; and describes ...
Brilliant, daring, and ambitious, Charles Darwin explores this legendary man as never before, and challenges us to reconsider our understanding of both Darwin and modern science itself. Charles Darwin: The man who discovered evolution?
These are just some of the intriguing questions raised in this volume of interconnected philosophical essays on Darwin.
The Origins Puzzle Comes Together If the science surrounding origins were a puzzle, Darwin would have had fewer than 15% of the pieces to work with when he developed his theory of evolution.
Drawing on the latest research in science and neurobiology, this intriguing study explores the mysteries of identity and the evolution of the human mind and explains how inputs to each...
Charles Darwin's masterpiece, "The Origin of Species, is probably the best-known, least-read book. Un-questionably one of the most important achievements of the millennium, its publication in 1859 caused a sensation,...
... the American pioneer of thermodynamics J. Willard Gibbs , and the great Italian mathematician Vito Volterra . ... At a meeting of the American Economic Association several years later , Herbert Simon of Carnegie Mellon University ...
"'On the origin of Mind' is a detailed description of how the mind works. It explains the dynamics from the neuronal level upwards to the scale of group behaviour, society...