All too often government lacks the skill, the will, and the wallet to meet its missions. Schools fall short of the mark while roads and bridges fall into disrepair. Health care costs too much and delivers too little. Budgets bleed red ink as the cost of services citizens want outstrips the taxes they are willing to pay. Collaborative Governance is the first book to offer solutions by demonstrating how government at every level can engage the private sector to overcome seemingly insurmountable problems and achieve public goals more effectively. John Donahue and Richard Zeckhauser show how the public sector can harness private expertise to bolster productivity, capture information, and augment resources. The authors explain how private engagement in public missions--rightly structured and skillfully managed--is not so much an alternative to government as the way smart government ought to operate. The key is to carefully and strategically grant discretion to private entities, whether for-profit or nonprofit, in ways that simultaneously motivate and empower them to create public value. Drawing on a host of real-world examples-including charter schools, job training, and the resurrection of New York's Central Park--they show how, when, and why collaboration works, and also under what circumstances it doesn't. Collaborative Governance reveals how the collaborative approach can be used to tap the resourcefulness and entrepreneurship of the private sector, and improvise fresh, flexible solutions to today's most pressing public challenges.
This book draws on diverse literatures and uses rich case illustrations to inform scholars and practitioners about collaborative governance regimes and to provide guidance for designing, managing, and studying such endeavors in the future.
Explores the role of scale and scaling in collaborative governance focusing on a wide range of policy areas with cases drawn from Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America.
St. Paul, MN: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. Mayer, M and Kentor, R. 2015. ... Miles, R., Snow, C., Meyer, A. and Coleman, H. 1978. ... Moynihan, D., Fernandez, S., Kim, S., LeRoux, M., Piotrowski, S., Wright, B. and Yang, K. 2011.
Public Policy Design and Implementation Carmine Bianchi, Luis F. Luna-Reyes, Eliot Rich ... Collaborative alliances: Moving from practice to theory. ... Discourse and collaboration: The role of conversations and collective identity.
Building civic capacity is not just about providing broad civic education or episodic grants to help community projects get off the ground and then hoping for the best. It is about systematically attempting to ensure that the overall ...
It requires an appropriate institutional design, development of proper management mechanisms, implementation of performance management systems, and effective leadership. The voluntary nature of collaborative governance increases the ...
With the evolution of regional spatial structure in China, this book is timely with its analysis on how China can approach current problems in China's regional governance through a holistic collaborative governance mechanism.
A Practical Guide to Collaborative Governance
Accordingly, Chinese researchers call for a shift of scholarly interests toward regional governance (Yang and Chen 2004). Collaboration between local governments is believed to be one of the policy instruments used to address policy ...
Technologies and Methods for Online Citizen Engagement in Public Policy Making Yannis Charalabidis, Sotirios Koussouris ... New Media Soc 9(4):671–696 Margolis M, Moreno-Rian ̃o G (2009) The prospect of Internet democracy.