After completing the final version of his general theory of relativity in November 1915, Albert Einstein wrote a book about relativity for a popular audience. His intention was “to give an exact insight into the theory of relativity to those readers who, from a general scientific and philosophical point of view, are interested in the theory, but who are not conversant with the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics.” The book remains one of the most lucid explanations of the special and general theories ever written. In the early 1920s alone, it was translated into ten languages, and fifteen editions in the original German appeared over the course of Einstein’s lifetime. This new edition of Einstein’s celebrated book features an authoritative English translation of the text along with an introduction and a reading companion by Hanoch Gutfreund and Jürgen Renn that examines the evolution of Einstein’s thinking and casts his ideas in a broader present-day context. A special chapter explores the history of and the stories behind the early foreign-language editions in light of the reception of relativity in different countries. This edition also includes a survey of the introductions from those editions, covers from selected early editions, a letter from Walther Rathenau to Einstein discussing the book, and a revealing sample from Einstein’s handwritten manuscript. Published on the hundredth anniversary of general relativity, this handsome edition of Einstein’s famous book places the work in historical and intellectual context while providing invaluable insight into one of the greatest scientific minds of all time.
School of Einstein , Infeld and Hoffmann Next , let us review the ideas of Einstein and his collaborates . Their theory is known as Einstein - Infeld - Hoffmann formalism at present . They originally purposed to discuss relativistic ...
task in constructing a unified theory is to enlarge the Einstein system to accommodate the electromagnetic field variables . The efforts to enlarge the analytical structure of relativity theory may be represented by two types of ...
... Susan M. , and Szekeres , P. , ( 1994 ) . J. Geom . Phys . 13 , 223 . [ 31 ] Synge , J. L. , ( 1966 ) . What is Einstein's Theory of Gravitation ? , in : Hoffman , B. ( ed . ) ... [ 42 ] Papapetrou , A. and Urich , W. , ( 1955 ) .
Um historiador de ciência norte-americano analisa o contexto da época em que Einstein criou a relatividade e procura ... Gamow, George e Stannard, Russell, O novo mundo do Sr. Tompkins, Gradiva 2005, tradução do original inglês The New ...
Fields of Color: The Theory that Escaped Einstein
In this year, aged 26, he published four revolutionary papers, including the Special theory of Relativity, and capped the year in November 1905 with the most famous equation in science, E=mc2.Einstein's papers of 1905 overthrew the ...
Matter, Gravity and Spin
This book provides an overview of the technical literature as well as analytical commentary on its philosophical significance.
Studies in the History of General Relativity: Based on the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the History of...
An accessible introduction to modern physics that focuses on wormholes and discusses among other topics their structure, stability, dynamics, operation as time machines, utility as portals to parallel universes, and their implications for ...