Birds of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East is the first comprehensive pocket-sized photographic field guide to every bird species in the Western Palearctic—this includes winter visitors and common migrants but also all rarities to the region, even if they have been recorded only once. The guide also covers hypothetical species—those that have a good chance of being recorded due to such factors as range expansion and changing weather patterns. The book's 2,200 stunning color photographs mean that every species is pictured, making field identification quick and easy. Succinct text covers key identification features, voice, habitat, and distribution, and distribution maps are provided for regular breeding species. Particular attention and details are given to help differentiate similar-looking species. Lavishly illustrated, up-to-date, and wide-ranging, Birds of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East is an essential field guide for every naturalist and birder. The first comprehensive field guide to include every bird species in the Western Palearctic (Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East) 2,200 superb color photographs Succinct text looks at key identification features, voice, habitat, and distribution
This guide covers all but a few of the Western Palearctic's breeding birds, and includes information on all regularly encountered vagrants.
Birds of the Middle East and North Africa: A Companion Guide
This book is the ultimate flight-identification guide for the raptors of the Western Palaearctic, covering Europe, North Africa, the Middle East (including Arabia) to Central Asia.
Birds of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East: an Annotated Checklist
Underparts are uniformly rufous , and rufous tail has narrow dark subterminal band . [ d ] Rufous - morph adult . Back and upperwing coverts have a rufous - buffy cast . [ e ] Dark - morph juvenile .
A fully revised edition of the standard field guide to Europe's birds Since it was first published, Birds of Europe has become the definitive field guide to the diverse birdlife...
This entirely new and authoritative work of reference has been planned to take account of the great advances that have been made in ornithological knowledge since the publication of the...
The guide compares similar taxa and addresses the complexities of identifying hybrids. Gulls of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East will be the standard work for identifying these birds for some time to come.
DISTRIBUTION R h. humei Sayan and Altai mountains, east to Sanju valley in the western Kunlun and to the Turfan ... between Willow Warbler (77) and Wood Warbler (83), but overall shape and long-winged appearance resembles Wood Warbler.
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: Hawks to bustards