"This book is an ethnographic investigation of the everyday professional lives of experimental cognitive psychologists, aimed at conveying to readers a sense of the social world of thelaboratory, and explaining how the field produces knowledge about human cognition. Emily Martin did fieldwork in three labs conducting research in normal human cognition. In the early daysof her fieldwork, Martin was struck by how irrelevant her own subjective experience was to the experimenters. What researchers conducting the experiments were seeking was data about how her brain responded to stimuli such as photographs and videos. Her own responses to the situation -- the set-up of the experiment, etc -- were very much beside the point. This led Martin to wonder when, in the history of this field, introspection and related "messy" data concerning the social conditions of lab experimentation came to be expelled. Her book examines this history, provides a comparison with the history of her own field (anthropology), and discusses the evolution of a pillar of contemporary experimental cognitive psychology, the psychological experiment. In the course of this book Martin reports on her discussions with practicing experimental psychologists about the efficacy of placing persons in such unusual settings in the search for generalknowledge. What emerges is an account of the cognitive psychology experiment as an artificial construction in which a certain kind of knowledge is produced and a certain kind of humansubject is created. But this book is not a "debunking" of the discipline of experimental cognitive psychology. Martin readily acknowledges the fact that real knowledge is produced in thesehighly-structured and artificial experimental settings. She does, however, question the tendency within this discipline to dismiss the significance of the social and cultural setting of the formalpsychological experiment, and argues that the field promotes a truncated view of the human subject and its capacities"--
Harre, R. (1981) Great Scientific Experiments, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Heisenberg, W. (1930) The Physical ... Holton, G. (1960) 'On the Origins of the Special Theory of Relativity', in Holton (1973). Holton, G. (1964) 'Poincare ...
Air does the pushing, through the force known as air pressure. Normally when you suck through a straw, you suck in — which reduces the pressure inside your mouth. But the air all around the drink is pushing down on the top of the liquid ...
" Each of the vehicles in the series incorporates the essential features of all the earlier models and along the way they come to embody aggression, love, logic, manifestations of foresight, concept formation, creative thinking, personality ...
The typical survey course in psychology has time for only limited presentation of the research on which our knowledge is based. As a result, many students come away with a...
This book showcases 28 intriguing social psychological experiments that have significantly advanced our understanding of human social thinking and behavior.
Long out of print, I. A. Richards's extraordinary 1932 foray into Chinese philosophy is worth reviving for its detached interpretation of the Chinese classics.
But how do these tests really work? In Psych Experiments, you'll learn how to test out these theories and experiments for yourself...no psychology degree required!
In A History of Modern Experimental Psychology, George Mandler traces the evolution of modern experimental and theoretical psychology from these beginnings to the "cognitive revolution" of the late twentieth century.
MIND GAMES is a collection of 25 ORIGINAL thought experiments spanning a host of topics - including science, mathematics, morality, social and personal concepts, and many other intriguing ideas.
Professor Posner describes a unified experimental approach to the study of the mind based on experiments concerning the time course of human information processing. Drawing systematically on studies of performance,...